domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.

The fun theory!!!

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009


“Conhecer as verdades espirituais não é suficiente para resolver a crise de valores. Essencial é viver a percepção de que somos almas. Esse é o ponto crucial para uma transformação real. Há muito entendimento intelectual sobre a alma humana e sobre Deus. Porém, poucas pessoas são capazes de traduzir isto em experiência diária. E poucos são aqueles que compartilham suas descobertas existenciais com os outros. Espiritualidade é usar e distribuir os tesouros submersos na alma.”

Scared Sacred

Nosso trabalho e o Sagrado!

THANK`S TO THE AoH LIST e especial a Kathy Jourdain

..."how to bring my spiritual path and my work path together…. and still have credibility, and still make a livelihood … as if they are two separate and distinct things and that acknowledging the sacred will somehow be an impediment in some of the client work I do."....

...."What if the essence of who we are, the work we do in the world and the sacred are not all separate things but that we have been making distinctions where none exist?  Imagine if we intentionally bring a sense of seamlessness and integration around work and the sacred EVERYWHERE, all the time, and people understood it to be normal rather than an edgy conversation!  Imagine the sense of harmony and ease we would bring into all the places we touch.  Every time we do this, we bring a bit more healing to ourselves and others....

Survival Academy!!!